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Hey, I'm Mrunmayee Lele!

I believe in embracing the power of design to                                                                       

UX Design graduate student at Purdue University

Previously at Ford as student Designer 


Life lately 



Available for full time positions beginning may 2024 

Featured Casestudies 

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Research | Design | Social Innovation | Collaboration

Boiler Eats is an innovative app dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of those facing food insecurity. Developed in collaboration with Ace Pantry, our mission is to provide practical solutions and a supportive community for individuals in need.

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 Generative AI Design| Research| Human-AI Interaction| SaaS

Revolutionizing GIF creation, our platform seamlessly merges AI, voice assistants, and an intuitive user interface, enabling users to effortlessly generate dynamic GIFs in real-time through a unique combination of text prompts, gestures, and voice recognition with one or multiple inputs. 

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Service Design | Research | Design | Strategy

Revolutionizing the live entertainment landscape, we introduce a cutting-edge hybrid concert experience that seamlessly integrates holographic technology. Our goal is to delivers the immersive and socially connected atmosphere of live concerts while offering cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives to both artists and audiences.

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 Design | Data Visualization | Research | SaaS

Our dashboard UX project revolutionizes how businesses interact with data. With real-time insights, intuitive interfaces, and actionable metrics, users gain unprecedented clarity into their operations.

Coming soon

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 Visual Design | Brand Identity | Research | Redesign

FordLabs is a specialized team within the Ford Motor Company which partners with Ford Businesses to solve problems.  The goal of this redesigning project is to create an engaging and informative website experience.  

Previously I have worked & partnered with 

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